Born in Moscow. Before she became a pupil, in 1977, of the Moscow Academic College of Choreography (today the Moscow State Academy of Choreography), she trained as a figure skater at the TSSKA (Army Central Sports Club) sports school. In 1985, on completing her studies at ballet school ( Nina Chistova’s class), she joined the Bolshoi Theatre Actors & Extras Ensemble.
In Bolshoi Theatre productions she performed the following, among other, roles:
Dulcinea’s suite (The Knight of Sad Mien to music by Richard Strauss, Andrei Petrov production)
Nymph (choreographic scene in Iphigenia in Aulis, choreography by Andrei Petrov)
Solo (Polish Ball scene in Mikhail Glinka’s Life for a Tsar, choreopgraphy by Boris Myagkov)
Ordinary Melon, Gypsy girl (Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov’s opera-ballet Mlada, choreography by Andrei Petrov)
Reflection of the Queen of Shemakha (Rimsky-Korsakov’s The Golden Cockerel, choreography by Mikhail Kislyarov)
Goddess Aziya, Star (Rimsky-Korsakov’s Christmas Eve, choreography by Andrei Petrov)
Persian Slave Girl (Persian Slave Dance in Khovanshchina, choreography by Sergei Koren; choreography by Vladimir Vasiliev; choreography by Leonid Lebedev)
She often took part in concerts where she performed the Gypsy Dance from Don Quixote (choreography by Kasyan Goleyzovsky), the Spanish Dance from Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake (choreography by Sergei Koren), the Russkaya concert number to music by Pyotr Tchaikovsky, as well as other roles and solo numbers.
In 1996, she was producer of a Bolshoi Theatre Ballet Company soloists and artists tour to Greece, Yugoslavia and Spain.
In 2002, she was appointed Bolshoi Theatre Actors & Extras Ensemble Manager.
She took part in the following projects held at the Bolshoi Theatre and its New Stage:
October, 2002 — she was ballet master-editor of the Russian Federation’s Ministry of Economic Development and Trade’s Evening;
February 2004 — she was producer (together with Natalia Krasnoyarskaya) of the Ballet magazine Gala Concert and Prize-giving Ceremony;
April, 2004 — she was ballet master of the Golden Mask National Theatre Prize-giving Ceremony;
September, 2004 — she was producer (together with Natalia Krasnoyarskaya) of the XVIIIth Moscow International Book Fair Evening;
2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 — she was producer (together with Natalia Krasnoyarskaya) of the Business-Olimp Prize-giving Ceremony and Gala Concert.
In the Theatre’s 2004/05 season, she participated in the opera productions, Shostakovich’s Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District (director of plastic movement), Falstaff (transfer and adaptation of original dances choreographer); in the 2005/6 season — in War and Peace (choreographer); in the 2006/7 season — in Eugene Onegin (director of plastic movement) and Boris Godunov (choreographer); in the 2009/10 season — in Wozzeck (director of plastic movement); in the 2010/11 season — in The Golden Cockerel (choreographer), in the 2011/12 season — in Bolshoi Theatre’s Main Stage Reopening Gala (assistant to director) and in Ruslan and Lyudmila (director of plastic movement); in 2012/13 season — in La Traviata and La Sonnambula (choreographer).